Saturday, March 6, 2010

Return for Season 3 The Real Housewives of New York City

Return for Season 3 The Real Housewives of New York City
"Ramona's way too freaking old to be wearing a bikini," declares Jill Zarin, rolling her eyes. (Truer words have never been uttered.) And so begins season three of 'The Real Housewives of New York City.'

The relatively uneventful (you might even say disappointing) premiere opened on a yacht Ramona had borrowed from a friend for a day of "girls only" fun. In true 'Housewives' fashion, the event quickly evolved into an emotional roller coaster as Ramona, who, after likening her newly shorn self to a "younger Cameron Diaz," laughed, cried, yelled and pouted while the boat putted along some Hamptons' waterway.

Noticeably absent was Bethenny, who, after a major falling out with Jill over what seems to be nothing more than a misunderstanding, was busy posing naked on a Manhattan rooftop for an "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" PETA ad. "I was BFFs with Bethenny" fumed Jill "but she didn't deserve me as a friend."

For her part, Bethenny, riding high on her 'SkinnyGirl' success (she even has a red and white logo emblazoned convertible VW bug to tool around Southampton in) and newfound love with beau Jason (yea, the last guy was named Jason, too), apparently feels no overwhelming desire to hang with Jill or any of the housewives -- a point she made abundantly clear during an uncomfortable rendezvous with LuAnn that deteriorated into a verbal sparring match. (And, later, prompted Bethenny to refer to LuAnn as a "dumb drag queen." Ouch.)

Over lunch with Kelly, Jill and the Countess continued to disparage Bethenny as spacey Kelly chimed in typically nonsensical anecdotes about having been arrested for beating up her boyfriend and her search for a mate. "I'm not looking for Mr. Right Now, I'm looking for Mr. Right." Deep. Real deep.

For whatever reason, the producers and/or editors opted not to engage Alex much in the episode -- she was along for the boat ride but didn't contribute anything memorable and fashionisto hubby, Simon, was AWOL.

Humdrum as the premiere was, the tease for what's to go down this season looked promising, as we'll see the newly divorced Countess begin dating, Ramona and Mario renew their wedding vows, Jill and Bobby (his Thyroid cancer in remission) continue their love affair and Bethenny get -- gasp -- knocked up! Again, not much in the hopper for the Van Kempens, but we're sure that Simon'll figure out a way to eek out some screen time (he always does).

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