Monday, November 22, 2010

Innovative Road Building Machine

Tiger Stone makes construction of brick roads easier and more efficient.
This innovative stone and brick laying machine allows operators to build up to 400 meters of beautiful road each day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Stunning Jeweled Gadgets

Sparkle & Shine with the Crystograph Ice iPad iPhone 4 Edition

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camouflaged Boxes and Signs

Cayetano Ferrer uses photo stickers to camouflage cardboard boxes and street signs to reveal what these objects ultimately obscure. His work is a gentle push/pull between permanence and obsolescence, inviting consideration of evolution, mutation and modification in our relationship to our immediate environment.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Extreme Stunt Unicycles

FlyRad Unicycle Offers Flexible Riding
The German-based FlyRad motorized unicycle can be used in different ways allowing users to switch their positions to their liking. The 26 kgs one-wheeler features a 500x motor with a 36v rechargeable battery. The motorized unicycle can be controlled with a pair of skates that work as the front wheels.
Winning a silver medal at the International Trade Fair for “Ideas-Inventions-New Products” in 2010 in Nuremberg, FlyRad is completely eco-friendly and designed to offer users a fun ride.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Smartphone Game Garments

Angry Birds Costumes Bring App Fun to Your Halloween Bash
Now coming to a Halloween party near you are these Angry Birds costumes. For a simple iPhone and Android game, it’s surprising to see just how viral these plumed personalities have become.

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