Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ancient Boombox

Let us remember those times, remember how it was cool to have such a device and walk with him on the shoulder - this is generally Otpad, the first guy in the village.
Well, let's have look at the old boom box

Monday, February 22, 2010

Interesting Gadgets for Eggs

Interesting Gadgets for Eggs

How to separate the protein from the yolk Very Smiple

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Falls on Ice

Falls on Ice

It's a shame, when during a speech skater suddenly slips or, even worse, falling.
Sometimes it can even lead to unpleasant consequences. But most of the skaters are going to
and try to make this a bad time, not ruin their spirits. Many try
treated with a occurring with a smile - they say, happens to everyone.
Let's look at some funny moments of the fall of the skaters on the ice and smile.

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